Wildwood Pediatrics 860.767.0168 Pay Online

COVID-19 and Sports

Although generally, infection with COVID-19 in the pediatric age group has been associated with a less severe range of illness when compared to adults, the full range of complications and long term outcomes are still not yet known. There is concern that a small subset of children (and adults) may have heart related complications as a result of infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 but this appears to be less so then thought earlier in the pandemic. . This is true even in previously healthy children. The specific condition is called myocarditis, inflammation of the heart.

Medical experts have developed guidelines for those children who have recovered from COVID-19 and are planning to return to sports and Physical Education (PE) classes. As the experts have learned more the guidelines have been modified.  In summary, all children less then 12 years of age and who had asymptomatic or mild illness (less then 4 days of fever, or 7 days of aches, chills or lethargy) can progress in their physcial activity at their own pace.  

For those 12 years and older, with an asymptomatic or mild illness, they can typically be cleared by a telemedicine appointment.  Once an athlete is cleared they can typically compete fully after a 2 day return to play protocol. 

For those whose illnesses involved more moderate symptoms then an in-office evalaution will be needed for proper evaluation (including an EKG) for full clearance.  Once an athlete is cleared they can typically compete fully after a 3 day return to play protocol.


The links below will provide additional information for our patients and families. 

Yale:  Return to Play Algorithm (an American Academy of Pediatric guideline that Yale is following)

American Academy of Pediatrics:  Return to Sports

HealthyChildren.org:  COVID-19: A Safety Checklist


Should my child be seen during Ped*I*Care Hours? Ped*I*Care Should my child be seen during Ped*I*Care Hours?

Essex Office

One Wildwood Medical Center
35 Saybrook Road
Essex, CT 06426
Tel: 860.767.0168


8:30 am to 5:00 pm M-F
8:30 am to noon Saturday

Ped-I-Care After Hours Care Available in Our Essex Office


6:00 pm to 8:00 pm M-F
Noon to 5:00 pm Saturday
11:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday & Holidays

Old Saybrook Office

30 Elm Street
Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Tel: 860.388.4545


8:30 am to 5:00 pm M-F

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